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Nazi Terror Attack On Congressman’s Office

A toxic white powder and swastikas were in an envelope sent to US Rep. Raul Grijalva’s office yesterday, causing it to be evacuated and shut down. Rep. Grijalva is one the leaders of the movement against Arizona’s racist anti-Hispanic law, and is in a tight campaign race for re-election.

UPDATE: Although officials told Grijalva’s staff that the white powder was toxic, the AP has just reported that the FBI says it was not:

TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — The FBI says white powder that was mailed to U.S. Rep. Raul Grijalva’s (gree-HAHL’-vuhz) office wasn’t toxic.
FBI spokesman Manuel Johnson declined to say Friday what the substance was determined to be. He says the FBI will continue to investigate.
Grijalva’s Tucson, Ariz., office was evacuated Thursday when a staffer opened an envelope containing a plastic bag of white powder and two pieces of paper with swastikas written on them.
The Democratic congressman wasn’t in the office at the time.
He is seeking a fifth term representing his southern Arizona district.
A Phoenix man was indicted in June for allegedly threatening to assault, kidnap and murder Grijalva and his aides. In July, a bullet was fired into Grijalva’s Yuma office shortly after he reversed his call for groups to boycott Arizona because of its new immigration law.

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