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Ultra-Right To Protest Closed GOP Meeting In Bartlesville, Oklahoma

So here we have the Oklahoma Republican Caucus, riding a wave of public anger and racism into office and meeting in private to plot strategy in a deserted office building emptied by a massive multi-national oil merger years ago which cost the state thousands of jobs. They say they want to focus on the economy from this gigantic symbol of corporate indifference to Oklahoma. If irony was intended, they would be making a point. Nearby will be the self-proclaimed “Tea Party” activists that helped get them elected, protesting because they want the legislature instead to focus on anti-abortion and pro-gun legislation. Because the protesters believe Oklahoma is just not conservative enough:

Okla. Considers Using Vet Drug To Execute Inmate

Oklahoma is moving forward with plans to execute a prisoner despite a shortage of a drug used in lethal injections that has forced some states to temporarily halt executions.

A hearing in federal court Friday will look at the implications of adopting a different drug, one used to euthanize animals, that has never been tested on people.

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