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Sen. Sanders Threatens To Filibuster Tax Cuts For Rich “Deal”

This is what has been needed all along. It has always been within the congressional Democrats’ power to block any new tax cuts, and simply let Bush’s expire on January 1st. This would turn the tables and bring Republicans back to negotiating from position of desperation, begging to restore tax cuts for the rich. The President himself can simply veto any deal that he doesn’t like, forcing Congress, under great pressure, to put together a better plan of tax cuts, and this would put the Republicans in a very weak and defensive position. Will others who supposedly have “guts” like Franken join with Sanders, or vote against him? 75% of Americans, according to consistent and current poll results, don’t want any tax cuts for the rich to be extended at a time of relatively high budget deficits. It’s a moral issue, not just an ideological one. Who will stand with Sanders?

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