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Huge Explosion At Nuclear Power Plant

People with radiation exposure reported already. The evacuation perimeter around the plant has been expanded. I predict a real nuclear meltdown, it may have already occurred. If it does, the public will be the last to know, unless they live near the plant.

This article has a lot more information about what is involved in a meltdown and what is known so far about the situation in Fukushima.

In the known effects of the earthquake and tsunami, one city alone officially reports 10,000 missing people.

UPDATE: A top Japanese nuclear safety official reports “a meltdown may be under way” at one of the reactors.

The Japanese government has confirmed there was a meltdown. Let’s hope the official is in error.

UPDATE 2:At 1AM Central Standard Time, the Japanese Prime Minister’s chief cabinet official was shown live on NHK television via CNN confirming two meltdowns and said a third reactor was out of control. It is time to prepare for evacuation of the West Coast of the United States. A few seconds later I heard the same report essentially on the BBC. This is the biggest news story on planet Earth since September 11, 2001 and the tsunami itself was already more deadly.

I highly recommend this video wherein a former Toshiba engineer involved with this plant explains what happened.

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