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Bush Lies Outright about document after its release

From the last, most up to date item in the PDB of August 6th, 2001:

“CIA and the FBI are investigating a call to our embassy in the UAE in May saying that a group or Bin Laden supporters was in the U.S. planning attacks with explosives.”

“But that PDB said nothing about an attack on America” -Bush, the next day, to reporters.

I had originally claimed that the last paragraph seemed to be removed from the pdb. I should have looked more carefully; the “last bullet point” as described by AP on Friday night was in fact combined in the last paragraph of the released PDB with another report, about 70 ongoing FBI investigations.

Original (mistaken) charge here:

From the AP story of Friday night:. NOTE AP’s description of the last two crucial bullet points, the last one speaking of an Al Qaeda operation currently underway:

“The second-to-last bullet told the president that there were numerous _ at least 70 _ terror-related investigations under way by the FBI in 2001 involving matters or people on U.S. soil, the sources said.
And the final bullet told the president of a recent intelligence report indicating al-Qaida operatives were trying to get inside the United States to carry out an attack with explosives, the sources said. There was no specifics about the timing or target, the sources said.” -John Solomon, Associated Press

Now, WHERE’S THE LAST BULLETPOINT? The “second to last” bullet point is still there, but not the very most urgent and final one, described by multiple sources, who have seen the actual document “1-1/2 pages long,” to the AP.

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