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Romney’s Last Ray Of Hope

Here, for posterity, are the tracking polls for today, the last ones taken before any results from the second debate were included. Note that Rasmussen has a history of pumping up the GOP candidates, yet they have Obama trending upward, and have him ahead by 3 points in the swing states. Watch these polls go unmistakably in Obama’s direction for the next few days, thus cementing the end of any Romney advantage coming from the debates.

Rasmussen (national): Romney +1, was R+2 yesterday
Rasmussen (Swing states): Obama +3 (50-47)
Ipsos/Reuters: Obama +3
YouGov/Economist: Obama +1
IBD/TIPP: Obama +1
RAND: Obama +5 This is one of the most interesting polls, because of its unique methodology.

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