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Fast Food Strike Spreads

400 people are on strike, heroically, from fast-food near-slavery jobs in Detroit. Don’t buy from fast food places. Don’t buy from Jimmy John’s. People can’t live on the wages they are being paid in these sub-jobs.

Organizers say that over a hundred workers joined the St. Louis strike between Wednesday and Thursday. That included a group of Jimmy John’s workers who alleged that management humiliated them by requiring them to hold up signs in public with messages including “I made 3 wrong sandwiches today” and “I was more than 13 seconds in the drive thru.” “Sometimes I walk for more than an hour just to save my train fare so I can spend it on Ramen noodles,” St. Louis Chipotle worker Patrick Leeper said in an e-mailed statement Thursday. “I can’t even think about groceries.”

If I ever walked into a place where someone was holding a sign like that, I’d ask for the manager and have a word or two with them. And then I’d walk out. But why go through the process? Don’t even walk in.

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