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Near Meltdown for Bush

The combination of Bush’s daily gaffes on Iraq this week and Kerry’s criticism of him (Bush truly is in denial) have combined to create a crisis situation in the White House. Check out this attempted “on-line chat” with WH Communications Chief Dan Bartlett, who just had to cut the event off and run after only a few minutes. Then, much more importantly, see this video of Bush attempting to have a press conference with Allawi (remember Bush is forced to do this by Allawi’s visit; he hasn’t had a press conference since April). The Q&A starts at 19:30. Here is a LINK to one person’s account of the event, as it ran live.

Bush: “I saw a poll that said the right track/wrong track in Iraq was better than here in America. It’s pretty darn strong. I mean, the people see a better future.” Translation: “The iraqi people are smarter than the American people, and likemy policy better.” So says the President who bravely “doesn’t listen to polls.”

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