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US to use Microwave Ray-Gun Against Iraqis

For “riot control,” and you think I’m kidding, don’t you?

Trouble for Iraq Constitution

Which is our only official “exit strategy” The document, which Bush praises almost daily, so far allows less rights for women than Saddam Hussein did.

Paragraph containing Agent’s name Was Marked SECRET

Washington Post article, written by one of the reporter who refused to carry the Rove smear on the agent, back when Novak and Cooper did.

Rove Denied Talking to Cooper in FBI Interview

And now we know that there is no doubt that he did; Murray Waas has the story, and this does mean that it’s perjury and/or obstruction of justice as trumpeted here, and as predicted by Larry O’Donnell some 19 days ago.

Powell Points the Finger at Fleischer

Finally, the finger pointing and blaming begins, not surprisingly starting with people already on the outside of Bush’s protection.

US Interfered in Iraqi Election

Seymour Hersh has done it again. Remind me what all those people are dying for over there, if they are just getting rigged elections? And don’t buy the near cover-up in the other papers.

Cooper Names Libby as Another Source

His TIME article, “what I told the grand jury.” He may not realize it, but he just provided us with an invaluable piece of information (besides the simple fact that Libby was one of his sources, and therefore lied, and that McClellan lied when he stated officially that NEITHER Rove, Libby, or Elliot Abrams as […]

Slipping By in the Fury

Was the rather obvious implication contained in New York Times editorial by the editors (the left-hand page):

Until this week, the administration had deflected attention onto journalists by producing documents that officials had been compelled to sign to supposedly waive any promise of confidentiality. Our colleague Judith Miller, unjustly jailed for protecting the identity of […]

How Rove Knew Plame Was CIA

First uncovered by a blogger at, now the New York Times and the Washington Post also notice that a June 10, 2003 State Department report (4 days after Nicholas Kristof of the New York Times initiated the “Bush lied about uranium” controversy) is the key to this whole leak investigation. Portions of this document […]

Rove Lied to Grand Jury in Leak Case

Rove blew it. There are now two totally contradictory defenses of him on the record, and in his testimony.

One is that he never learned of Valerie Plame’s name, her marriage to Wilson, or her CIA status until he read Novak’s July 14th, 2003 column. This is the sworn defense he used with the grand […]