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Smear Against Fitzgerald Begins

Many of you have heard me say that the first bulletin, the first notice, of indictments being a reality in the leak case will be headlines smearing Fitzgerald. Well, here it is (New York Daily News). How slimy does it have to be in order to be a smear? Try this:

“He’s a vile, detestable, […]

Pentagon Spends $1 Million for 7 “lemon” Cars

And one of them is missing.

Two Marines were killed in Amariyah; the total is now 1999 US troops killed in Iraq.

It’s Real – Cheney Told Libby

Not Tim Russert. Not Judith Miller. Not the Tooth Fairy. Libby’s notes of a June 12, 2003 meeting with his boss, the Vice President of the United States, show that it is Dick Cheney who told Libby that Joe Wilson’s wife was a CIA agent. What the New York Times does not say is what […]

Wurmser In Meeting with VP About Plame?

Detailed hearsay from a site that has been quite accurate recently in its “early leaks.”

NY Daily News: Bush Losing His Composure

Thomas DeFrank, a well-connected reporter with long ties to Bush going back over 20 years, does it again.

Bush usually reserves his celebrated temper for senior aides because he knows they can take it. Lately, however, some junior staffers have also faced the boss’ wrath.

“This is not some manager at McDonald’s chewing out the […]

Fitzgerald Has Italian Report on Uranium Forgeries

But what is in the report? That we don’t know.

Bush Picks Bernanke As New Fed Chief

Greenspan is not retiring until the end of January; this was done because of White House expectations that the CIA leak case will be so major as to damage the economy, they don’t want the indictments coming out without the new Fed chief being named.

Novak Cooperated With Fitzgerald

Washington Post–

A critical early success for Fitzgerald was winning the cooperation of Robert D. Novak, the Chicago Sun-Times columnist who named Plame in a July 2003 story and attributed key information to “two senior administration officials.” Legal sources said Novak avoided a fight and quietly helped the special counsel’s inquiry, although neither the columnist […]

Public Editor Weighs in on Miller

No sympathy for Miller here, either.

Harriet Miers in Crooked Crony Superfund Land Deal

Wow, this stinks. Overvalued by a factor of 10, and all done by extreme activist right-wing cronies.