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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Bush: Tax Health Benefits as Personal Income

Bush wants to tax all employer-provided health benefits as part of your personal income, such taxes to be added to your income tax. This doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of going anywhere. I think it’s an intentional diversion from Iraq, picking a domestic fight just to distract people for a few days or […]

Fitzgerald: Libby Destroyed Evidence

Patrick Fitzgerald’s opening statement, ladies and gentlemen.

Warner, Collins Introduce Resolution Against Bush Troop Increase

This is an excellent comparison between Warner’s resolution and the other bipartisan crafted by Biden, Hagel, and others. They are very similar.

Baghdad Bombs Kill More Than 100

This is where he is sending our extra soldiers, who are unwanted by the Iraqis.

Attackers in Karbala Wore US Uniforms

This is what happens when the government of Iraq is run by a man beholden to Sadr, who wants to kill US troops:

New details also emerged about clashes on Saturday in the Shiite holy city of Karbala, which left five Americans dead. Lt. Col. Scott R. Bleichwehl, an American military spokesman, said the gunmen […]

At Least 24 Americans Killed in Iraq Saturday

First it was 13, said the Pentagon. Then 18, then 20. Now it’s 24. They dragged out the death announcements all day in order to falsify what the headlines would say in the Sunday newspapers, the most important newspaper of the week. How many more actually died this weekend?

UPDATE: The Saturday total is now […]

At least 770 US Contractors Dead in Iraq War

Due to insurance claims filed at the Department of Labor, there is at least some information about how many US “contractors” have been killed in Iraq. 770 is certainly a low number, but it’s probably much higher than most Americans realize.

Libby Trial Begins

I think that Fitzgerald’s case is based on the idea that Libby’s motivation to perjure and obstruct justice was to protect his boss, Cheney, who had directly ordered that Valerie Plame’s CIA covert status be told to the press. Therefore if Libby is convicted, Cheney is convicted too even if he’s not on trial. Therefore, […]

Imitations of Hussein Hanging Lead to Deaths

Video culture at its worst, combined with “martyrdom” legends.

70% of Americans Oppose Troop Increase in Iraq; Bush Approval Hits All-Time Low

AP poll just out, it also shows that an all time low number of Americans believe that starting the war in Iraq was the right thing to do.