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Slap on the Wrist for Murder of 3 Iraqis

Over 90% of Iraqis have satellite dishes, they have already heard the news before you did:

Staff Sgt. Ray Girouard, who was found guilty Friday of negligent homicide in his court-martial, could have received up to 21 years in prison. He avoided a life sentence when he was found not guilty of premeditated murder.

Girouard […]

Friday Document Dump Made, on Monday Night

Three thousands pages of documents, which means of course there has not been time to sift through them yet for the relevant ones.

UPDATE: The documents are beginning to show up on the House Judiciary Website. The ones I’ve read so far are quite relevant and damaging. For example, one contains evidence that Carol Lam, […]

Cheney Contract Bought the “Duke Stir”

And this may have been the motive to fire Carol Lam, because she was getting too close in her investigation. This is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen.

Bought by a felon with Federal money from Cheney’s office, as a bribe to a corrupt GOP Congressman who is now behind bars.


3,217 Americans Dead in Four Years of Iraq War

And the country is a living hell for most of the population. Don’t try to find this story by navigating to USA Today’s web page, it’s buried (at the same time it’s the top story in today’s print edition). According to this survey 61% of Iraqis say life is going badly for them. You can […]

Iglesias Was Heralded for “Voter Fraud” Cases

This is exactly the opposite of the cover story that New Mexico US Attorney David Iglesias was not going after “voter fraud” aggressively enough before Bush fired him. I’ve linked to a blog article here because I want to remind everyone to read TPM every day on this case, they have led the way in […]

US Attorney Fired After Declaring Intent to Search Foggo

This is dynamite, the minute Carol Lam informed Washington that she was going after Kyle “Dusty” Foggo, the #3 man at the CIA, who was being bribed by the same crooks who bribed GOP congressmen Duke Cunningham (and the yet-to-be-indicted Jerry Lewis), the Justice Department began the process of purging her.

Feinstein said Lam notified […]

Walter Reed-A Time Bomb

The place is a death trap for workers and may also be for the patients there. This story is shocking.

Witness to Iraq Murder Still Missing

I have read literally dozens of stories about the investigation, negotiations, and trials involved with the murder of this 52 year old man in Iraq. But did you know that a possible witness deserted the Marines and is still missing?

Saddam Hussein Trial Judge Flees to Britain

He is living in England, thus proving that the Rule of Law holds sway in Iraq. Obviously the streets are safer then ever:

BAGHDAD (Reuters) – Insurgents in western Iraq set off three chlorine gas car bombs, U.S. forces said on Saturday, weeks after two similar attacks sparked fears of a new campaign to use […]

CBS Source: Gonzales “Finished”

CBS News

UPDATE: Gonzales moved to reassign Sampson to a new job in the Justice Department’s Environment Division and not fire him at all.