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Slap on the Wrist for Murder of 3 Iraqis

Over 90% of Iraqis have satellite dishes, they have already heard the news before you did:

Staff Sgt. Ray Girouard, who was found guilty Friday of negligent homicide in his court-martial, could have received up to 21 years in prison. He avoided a life sentence when he was found not guilty of premeditated murder.

Girouard was also found guilty of obstruction of justice for lying to investigators, of conspiracy for trying to conceal the crime and of failure to obey a general order.

He was accused of telling his soldiers to release detainees they captured during the May 9 raid near Samarra, Iraq, and then shoot them as they fled. He is the last and most senior soldier from the 101st Airborne Division to face trial in the killings.

This tells Iraqis everything they need to know about the US “commitment” to improving their lives.

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