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Internal BP Document Shows They Knew Rate Was Much Higher Than Stated

Document that proves it here. Some weeks ago, approximately a month I would say based on some information in this undated memo, BP knew that the flow was 40,000 to 60,000 barrels a day. At the time, they were still estimating 5,000 BOPD.

Military Imposter Stole Laser Scope, Had Land Mine In Car

What’s going on with this? Then there is this pair who were arrested in Florida.

US Once Again Increases Estimate Of Oil Flow Rate

Now saying 35 to 60,000 barrels a day. However, this weekend BP sent a letter to the Coast Guard claiming they could capture 80,000 barrels a day in a few weeks. Unless they plan to remove the blowout preventer and redo the well (and they sure as hell aren’t planning on doing that), it means […]

How Alvin Greene Won

Computer “voting” machines wrongly “voted” for him.

Colbert Explains US-UK Diplomacy

Absolutely classic.

The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c […]


This e-mail is virtually the proverbial smoking gun.


This blog has been consistent in saying that the exploded BP well is damaged below the seabed and above the oil formation. Here is a long list of links that seem to confirm this. This is what the President of Shell said on Friday.

Yuma, Ariz.: What are the chances that the well casing below […]

Oil Hits Gulf Shores Alabama

This picture was taken a few days ago. National Lampoon’s Teabagger Summer Vacation.

Today video was posted of the oil coming onshore in the same town.

Sharia Law In Oklahoma

Is about as likely as economic justice and improvement in women’s rights. But that doesn’t stop this guy.

Alvin Greene Is a Plant

This is a known tactic in the Carolinas, it was used a few years ago. This guy was paid, by someone connected to the Republican Party, to run. He is a plant, just watch the video. “Can I end this?” says a supposedly serious candidate for US Senate, in his first ever television interview.