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Nam sodales mi vitae dolor ullamcorper et vulputate enim accumsan. Morbi orci magna, tincidunt vitae molestie nec, molestie at mi. Nulla nulla lorem, suscipit in posuere in, interdum non magna.

Bye Bye Bezos

By the time your drones launch, I won’t be a customer anymore.

Christie’s New Appointee Won’t Back Samson

David Samson is left turning slowly in the wind by Chris Christie because his corruption is utterly toxic. It took 3 years for it to come to public attention, but Samson ripped off the taxpayers of both New York and New Jersey for $44 million to benefit a client who was paying him $1.5 million. […]


On the internet, and you’re paying for it.

Cheap Shot Artist

Watch this video starting at about the 12:45 mark.

ABC News is Your Place For Hoaxes

What a load, ABC News is a joke.

Hail Duce

SUPPORT THIS BAND unless you think three years in prison is the appropriate sentence for spray painting “the forest is for everybody” on an illegal fence in a forest.

50 billion and a gay-driven rainbow, Rodnina and Kabaeva will pass you those flames In prison they will teach you how to obey Salut to […]

Moore Schools Were Already Death Traps When Tornado Hit

Corruption Kills. Someone in Oklahoma has actually committed journalism. This raises several questions: who inspected these buildings year after year, starting at the time of construction, and cleared them every time? And who will be the first to attempt to exploit this shocking public disgrace to make a false argument that we don’t need tornado […]

Ukraine Parliament Votes 236-0 To Withdraw Troops From Kiev

At least 30 members of the ruling party were present at the time. Am I publicizing “western propaganda?” Look at the link, it’s Russian official media.

Western Ukraine Declares Independence from Government

This is an alarming development and may signal the start of an all-out civil war.

Blair Suggested Iraq-Style Coverup To Murdoch

Tony Blair, now there’s a guy with class. Good thing that our “liberals” here in the United States don’t have any ties to Murdoch.