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Moore Schools Were Already Death Traps When Tornado Hit

Corruption Kills. Someone in Oklahoma has actually committed journalism. This raises several questions: who inspected these buildings year after year, starting at the time of construction, and cleared them every time? And who will be the first to attempt to exploit this shocking public disgrace to make a false argument that we don’t need tornado shelters in all of our public schools?


3 comments to Moore Schools Were Already Death Traps When Tornado Hit

  • jerry francisco

    Link not working. Very interested to see this story.

  • jerry francisco

    From the article:

    Had both schools been properly built with properly reinforced cinder-block walls, Ramseyer said, those walls would have given occupants a much greater chance to survive the tornado. The Briarwood and Plaza Towers schools, Ramseyer said, didn’t protect the pupils.
    Instead, for those who survived, a larger, unseen force protected them.
    “As a human, what I see is, God chose to save them,” he said. “Because this structure didn’t. Bless those teachers who tried to protect their kids, because the building just did not do its job.”

    My God, that is so Oklahoma.

    Major cheers to the author who performed actual journalism work.

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