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Fitzgerald Press Conference at 1 PM CDT

Rove this morning, at the stake out of his house, said something like “Good morning, I’m going to have a wonderful Friday and a great weekend, I hope you do too.” This on a morning where his newspapers say that his pal Libby will be indicted for felonies in big headlines. See below for exclusive advanced photo of the press conference, courtesy of unnamed “senior White House sources.”

Prediction: terror alert within days, if not hours.

Oh, and one other thing. Miller and Cooper defied the subpoenas for over a year, then Miller defied the Supreme Court of the United States for 86 days. Fitzgerald announced he would be done on Oct. 28 based on the presumption that Cooper and Miller would obey the US Supreme Court orders. The judge decides when the grand jury’s over, not the news media.

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