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Documents at High Noon

Fitzgerald’s web site will post some sort of documents at noon EDT, or 11 central time, 2 hours before his press conference. Here’s a blast from the past, note this quote from his office on July 27, 2005:

As noted in our Court filings, by October 2004 when the appeal in this matter was first filed, the factual investigation – other than the testimony from these reporters and any further investigation that might result – was for all practical purposes completed.

Cooper and Miller’s refusal to testify stopped this investigation in its tracks from October 2004 (before the Presidential election) until just a few weeks ago (when Miller finally broke down and testified). At a minimum, I’d expect the judge to give Fitzgerald any extension he asked for on the grand jury up to at least that amount of time, which is nearly a year. The Grand Jury did not even meet or go to work during that whole delay.

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