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This is proven by an official report. Bush frantically appeared in his new press room this morning to flatly deny it, with no evidence or counter-argument. Every American should be discussing this with their fellow citizens. This means that due to the war in Iraq combined with bad leadership, everything accomplished by attacking Al Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan has been undone; the imprisonment and torture of the Guantanamo prisoners was in vain. The amount of net progress against the organization that attacked us in September 2001 is ZERO.

UPDATE: McClatchy has this quote:

“We actually see the al Qaida central being resurgent in their role in planning operations. They seem to be fairly well-settled into the safe haven and the ungoverned spaces of Pakistan there,” John Kringen, the CIA’s director for intelligence, said.

“We see more training, we see more money, and we see more communications,” Kringen said.

Who got the $282 million in today’s Baghdad bank robbery while Bush flew in the face of his own government’s reports and claimed “progress in Iraq” ?

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