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They’re Laughing At You

They are laughing at you. They are lacking at your “depression” and despair over Bush’s lawless actions. They know that you’re highly unlikely to do anything about it. To them, complying with a Congressional subpoena was “optional” despite the fact that no President in history has ever successfully blocked a witness from appearing before today.


Today NPR simply reported this as “Miers declined to appear before the Committee.” There was no context, no quotes from Sanchez or Conyers. It was not noted in any way whatsoever that this is even unusual, much less that it never happened before in the history of this nation.

This is an attempt to set a new precedent. If a President wants to defy the authority of a Congressional Committee because the Chairman is a black man that hate radio has disparaged for years, only a Congressman and not a Senator, and from a poor district, he expects you also to believe this makes it more legitimate to spit in the face of the law. When you say and do nothing, Bush’s theory is validated.

Whether Bush, Fielding and Miers succeed is dependent on what the Big White Boys in the Senate Judiciary Committee do in response to this crime. They have not yet subpoenaed Miers, and her defiance of the Senate would elevate this (to the subtly racist media who discount the committees of Sanchez and Conyers) to a Constitutional crisis. You can urge them in no uncertain terms that they’d better subpoena Miers themselves and stop this lawlessness. If Specter joins in, there is no way that Miers and Bush can continue to defy the law. Here are the Senate contact numbers:

Patrick Leahy: (202) 224-4242

Arlen Specter: 202-224-4254

Make them stop laughing at you. Do exactly what they are counting on you not to do.

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