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My Lai Anniversary

The My Lai massacre took place on March 16, 1968.  It was not reported in the American media until Seymour Hersh wrote about it on November 12, 1969.  The video below is from one of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen, titled “Four Hours in My Lai.”  Made in the 1980s by British television, it’s not available in any form in the United States. 


This weekend, the Iraq Veterans Against the War held a modern repeat of the original “Winter Soldier” event, done in 1971 by Vietnam veterans, who met to describe their experiences and the war crimes they both witnessed and perpetrated during that time. Great effort was put into this, and as with the documentary excerpted above, it was essentially not available on American television. The 5th anniversary of the US invasion of Iraq is Wednesday. There are worms in the water in Iraq, as this article from there, written by my former managing editor, details.

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