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DC Madam Convicted; Cover-up Complete

Punishment and humiliation for the sex workers, never an inconvenience for the powerful, highly connected male customers. Par for the course.

But the trial concluded without revealing many new details about the service or its clients. Sen. David Vitter, R-La., was among possible witnesses, but did not take the stand.

Vitter has acknowledged being involved with Palfrey’s escort service. But after issuing brief statements apologizing for “a very serious sin,” he has avoided follow-up questions.

Harlan Ullman, a military strategist who created the concept of “shock and awe” that the United States used to open hostilities against Iraq, also did not testify. Palfrey says Ullman was a regular client; Ullman has declined to discuss what he has called “outrageous allegations.” Randall L. Tobias, who resigned as a deputy secretary of state after acknowledging to ABC News that he used Palfrey’s service for massages, also did not testify.

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