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Bush, Cheney Now Scared of Real Ramifications for Torture

This is what the attacks on Pelosi are all about. The truth is closing in around Cheney and Bush, and the constant attacks on Pelosi (Karl Rove even had an op-ed attacking her in the Wall Street Journal yesterday) are an implied threat to the Democrats (“if you prosecute anyone, we are taking some Democrats with us.”) It’s also a distraction. Bush and Cheney tortured hundreds of people, including many Iraqi POWs totally protected by the Geneva Convention and unrelated to “terrorism” in any way, in order to produce false “confessions” of an Iraq-Al Qaeda link. In one case they even produced such a false story (from Al-Libi, who is now dead and his false story under torture has long since been disproven). Cheney even tried to torture the man who told them there were no WMDs. Cheney tried to plant a forgery saying that Mohammed Atta met with Iraqi intelligence officials in Prague. He is guilty of more than wrongdoing (already proven beyond a shadow of a doubt). Without even touching what went on in Guantanamo, just focusing on Iraq only, Cheney is guilty of major war crimes and all of the evidence is there. Just bring the witnesses forward and prosecute.

Here’s former Senator Graham, of Florida, who is also the same person who has said on the record that Bush attempted to insert warrantless domestic wiretapping into the Patriot Act in 2001 but was refused.

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