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Partial Publication of Torture Photos Obama Wants To Withhold

Not all of the photos, but many of them were already published by Australian TV network SBS. This group of photos includes some of the the ones that Obama currently is telling the court he doesn’t want released at this time. These are mostly photos of systematic torture done on Iraqi civilians in Abu Ghraib prison by the US military. We now know that many of the prisoners tortured there were being coerced to claim a false link between the 9/11 Al Qaeda terrorists attacks and the Iraqi government of Saddam Huseein, a link which did not exist. As noted on this blog below, in at least one case Cheney wanted to torture an Iraqi intelligence official who told the US, accurately, that Iraq had no WMDs before the war. This is a conspiracy to violate US statutes against torture and is a prosecutable crime, right now.

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