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Cheney Claimed Results From Torture in 2004

This raises a question. Although Cheney was probably lying, as he usually does, about any ‘confession” whatsoever, how many false confessions were there? Everyone knows that someone who can’t take any more torture will say whatever his captors want him to think. Is it possible that several false confessions were made, and officially discounted by the CIA as false, yet Cheney with his urge for “raw” intelligence reports was shooting his mouth off and divulging in 2004 the details of totally discredited, false confessions obtained by torture, in order to defend the invasion?

“The (al Qaida-Iraq) links go back,” he said. “We know for example from interrogating detainees in Guantanamo that al Qaida sent individuals to Baghdad to be trained in C.W. and B.W. technology, chemical and biological weapons technology. These are all matters that are there for anybody who wants to look at it.”

No evidence of such training or of any operational links between Iraq and al Qaida has ever been found, according to several official inquiries.

It’s not apparent which Guantanamo detainees Cheney was referring to in the interview.

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