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How Lying Liars Lie

I received this because I’m on an e-mail list that includes a right-wing idiot.

The liberals are asking us to give Obama time. We agree – and think 25 to life would be appropriate. -Jay Leno

America needs Obama-Care like Nancy Pelosi needs a Halloween mask. -Jay Leno

Q: Have you heard about McDonald’s’ new Obama Value Meal? A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it. -Conan O’Brian

??Q: What does Barack Obama call lunch with a convicted felon? A: A fund raiser. -Jay Leno

Q: What’s the difference between Obama’s cabinet and a penitentiary? A: One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers and threats to society. The other is for housing prisoners. -Letterman

Q: If Nancy Pelosi and Obama were on a boat in the middle of the ocean and it started to sink, who would be saved? A. America. -Fallon

Q: What’s the difference between Obama and his dog, Bo? A: Bo has papers. -Kimmel

Q: What was the most positive result of the “Cash for clunkers” program? A: It took 95% of the Obama bumper stickers off the road. – Letterman

This is a classic illustration of how right-wing propaganda works. Of course absolutely none of these TV comedians made a single one of these “jokes.” The “author” was so lazy they used incomplete and misspelled names for the TV figures. But notice how each one reinforces the alternate universe constantly referred to and maintained by hate-radio hosts and Fox News Channel. In that universe, the whole country is laughing at racist jokes about Obama’s ancestry, and Letterman (who is very well known for his passionate hatred of George W. Bush and was intensely criticized by right-wingers for supporting Obama) makes vicious elitist jokes about Obama’s voters. The disseminators of this garbage actually think that no one will care when they find out these are all fabricated quotes. That is because there is a food-chain system among the right-wing in which daily lies, often in the form of “talking points” are systematically disseminated and then used in the very short term, and those using the lies simply don’t care that they are false. If someone points out that the specifically crafted, manipulative lie is in fact false, this person is attacked as some sort of “sour puss” for ruining a good “joke.”

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