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Financial Times: Sunni Pols Back Insurgents

In the Baghdad street fight.

It is significant that the street fighting in Adhamiya has been portrayed, by the Iraqi media and Sunni leaders, as neighbourhood self-defence rather than an insurgent attack on security forces. It could strengthen the insurgents’ claim to be fighting for the Sunni population as a whole.

Open Civil War in Streets of Baghdad


While the February bombing of a Shi’ite shrine pushed Iraq to the edge of civil war and left hundreds of bodies with bullet holes and torture marks on the streets, the scenario in Adhamiya is more alarming, despite fewer casualties.

It appeared to be the first example of a large-scale, open sectarian street battle […]

Two Years of Warnings on Militias Ignored


BAGHDAD, Iraq – U.S. officials were warned for more than two years that Shiite Muslim militias were infiltrating Iraq’s security forces and taking control of neighborhoods, but they failed to take action to counteract it, Iraqi and American officials said.

Now American officials call the militias the primary security concern in Iraq, blaming them […]

Carl Bernstein: Time for The Investigation

Excellent opinion piece that shows where we are at today. Compare this to suck-up Woodward, the next time you see him making a fool out of himself on the Larry King show.


The The Supreme Court of the United States will not free innocent men from Guantanamo. Shame.

Long-Rumored State Dept. Memo on Plame Surfaces

First described in the Wall Street Journal last year, this leak confirms that the document is even more damning than it was purported to be. Plame’s name appears in an individual paragraph marked “S //NF” which means SECRET-NO FOREIGN (Top Secret), and shows that she is a “WMD Manager” for the CIA. This document circulated […]

Coburn Says 6 Reps, 1 Senator Will Be Jailed

In the Abramoff scandal. Yes, I know he’s batty, but he’s also got an inside track on this info.


Ryan was a crook, and corruption kills.

In November 1994, Willis, his wife and six children were headed to Milwaukee when a piece of a semitrailer truck fell off and hit their van, causing an explosion. The trucker, Ricardo Guzman, didn’t speak English and couldn’t understand radio calls that the part was about to […]

UN Confirms: Death Squads Killing Gays in Iraq

This is at Doug Ireland’s blog.


According to Murray Waas, Cheney on July 12, 2003 ordered Libby to leak the CIA document of Wilson’s debriefing when he returned from Niger. Libby did so, and during these same “leak” sessions with reporters, outed Valerie Plame, that very day. This is not the famous National Intelligence Estimate, this is a document, that was […]